Fastest MEV-oriented architecture for high-frequency exchange

Get a self-hosted infrastructure for the fastest, most secure, uninterrupted MEV operations

Maximize your extracted value with the clear architecture solution

Self-hosted Blockchain Infrastructure
Mempool Data Stream
Transaction Simulator

Components of the MEV architecture

Self-hosted Blockchain Infrastructure

Your own infrastructure is the only conceivable architecture that adheres to the primary blockchain principles. We can make you one with the following features:
Within 30 minutes, a new fully-synchronized node can be started with the latest snapshots.
Global Load Balancer for lowering response time by selecting the closest node to the client (CDN for blockchain data).
JWT for the protection of JSON RPC endpoint against man-in-the-middle attacks.
Unsynced nodes are automatically restarted and broken nodes are regenerated.
Infrastructure auto-rotates nodes from pruned snapshots to make them as quick as feasible.
Smart caching with JsonRPC Caching Proxy accelerates work and minimizes costs.

Mempool Data Stream

We install a self-hosted node and configure Mempool Stream to ensure maximum performance, total security, and 99.99% availability. As a result, you may react to changes in the transaction market faster than others and maximize your MEV:
MEV insights in real-time and the quickest MEV capture
Alerts for high-value transactions that can be customized
Enhanced security and risk reduction
All MEV activities are more scalable and transparent
Cost savings and improved profits
Improved performance and faster decision-making

Transaction Simulator

There is no need to send your transactions on-chain to see the outcomes. Use the full power of EVM tracing to:
Analyze the mempool to earn the profits use of your gas.
Simulate a transaction, see the state of the future block, and change any smart contract settings.
Identify and solve problems in all valuable transactions.
Send new or updated transactions uninterruptedly with precise parameter modifications to obtain the intended results faster than anyone.
Pricing is as easy as what SaaS does
A fixed price for maintenance is included
Scale to infinity while paying for cloud resources only
We know how to cut costs by an average of 40% and optimize the TCO
Test-drive all infrastructure solutions for free. For individuals and teams looking to explore the power of RPC Fast APIs.
Available apps:
Included CU:
Https & Websockets:
Dashboard & Statistics:
Archive data:
Possible throughput:
AI-based predictive autoscaling:
Dedicated Nodes
For middle-sized projects that demand dedicated resources for peak performance and scalability.
From $450/mo
*From $1500 for Solana
Contact us
Networks: any network
Guaranteed resources
High security
Constant availability
Fixed price for maintenance
Transaction simulation
High customization
24/7 dedicated support
Smart Caching
Auto-updated software
Node Cluster
For high volume operations with the lowest latency, customized, global self-hosted infrastructure
From $2000/mo + infra costs
Contact us
Networks: any network
Guaranteed minimal latency
Rapid RPC response time: less than 4 ms
Fully managed service with no vendor lock-in
Tailored customization based on project needs
Enhanced security features
Flexible infrastructure options: cloud or bare metal
Reliable support backed by SLA
Advanced MEV tools
Archive Data

Problems and risks we help to avoid

Protection JSON RPC endpoint
Dependence on 3rd party providers
Global Load Balancer
The unpredictability of the future block
Protection JSON RPC endpoint
Unoptimized infrastructure costs
Automatic restart of unsynced nodes
Isolation of transactions
Auto-rotate nodes
High latency and low speed of operations
JsonRPC Caching Proxy
Poor quality of node infrastructure
Ask any questions during a free consultative session with the authors of the MEV solution
Daniel Yavorovych
Co-Founder & CTO at RPC Fast
Benefits you gain with our MEV solution
Self-hosted Blockchain Infrastructure
Maximum security
since you have full authority over your private environment and there are no shared resources
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~85.6 ms average response time
thanks to our own solutions for GCP/AWS/Azure
Read our case study
90+ zones
Fastest possible solution thanks to geo-distribution and the adjustment of the number of nodes depending on the load
Read our case study
Mempool Data Stream
Types of supported transactions streams
NewTx, PendingTx, TxReceipt Stream, TX Status, onBlock Stream
5x more unique transactions revealed
thanks to improved coverage of the p2p network
4x faster transaction receiving and zero latency
Use the standard method eth_subscribe for the fastest receiving of transactions from Mempool Stream via JSON RPC Endpoint
Transaction Simulator
Costs and gas optimization
Spend less gas thanks to optimized testing of smart contracts without paying any commission
Diff state
See if your transactions will be successful and predict their gas usage and cost before submitting them on-chain
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Send a bunch of transactions in one request to see how they will be performed sequentially in the current block
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Contact our CTO to find the best solution for your enterprise
Daniel Yavorovych
Co-Founder & CTO at RPC Fast
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